Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Yellowstone and Grand Teton 2015

Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks 2015
We just got back from a great trip up to Yellowstone.  It was the best time I have had up there.  I saw more things and went on more hikes then I have ever done before. We went to just about every visitor center, and every tourist attraction.  Plus some fun hikes.  Below are some of our pictures.  We did not want to come home from this vacation.  We loved it.

 This is a picture at Gibbons Falls.  

 The pictures above are pictures from the Artist Paintpots hike.
 Our first animal of the trip.  Crazy huge elk.

 This hike we went on we met a friend from Poland named Victor.  He was a nice guy.  He was taking a two month trip and visiting as many national parks as possible.  He was very friendly.  The reason why we met him is because he was alone and didn't want to hike alone again, because he ran into a bear the previous day.  So we hiked with him to Mystic Falls.  It was a gorgeous hike.  I loved it.  It's only a two mile round trip hike and totally worth it.

 Rosie and I at Old Faithful on our second day there.
 This is my video of Old Faithful.  I have never seen it go so high, and it's my failed attempt of a video selfie.

 The video and pictures above are of the Beehive Geyser.  This is bigger and lasts longer than Old Faithful.  It was impressive.  I have never seen that geyser before.  We just got done watching Old Faithful and went to the visitors center and over the intercom they said that this was going to erupt.  It only erupts once a day, twice a day or not at all.  It was pretty cool.

 The two pictures above are of the Kepler Cascade Falls. This place was gorgeous. 

 This is a picture of Fairy Falls.  This was a 5 mile hike round trips.  Kind of a boring hike, but the final destination was totally worth it.  It is the tallest waterfall in Yellowstone.
 The the Fairy Falls hike we got to walk right up next to a hot pot it was pretty cool.  

 The pictures above of are part of the Norris Geyser basin. 

 The nine pictures above are from Rosies favorite place in Yellowstone.  It was called Golden Gate.  It was crazy.  Driving from Norris to Mammoth you are driving through plains, when all of the sudden you are in this beautiful canyon called Golden Gate.  This was Rosies favorite place in Yellowstone.

 Pictures from Mammoth Geyser basin.
 I have no clue what this animal is, but there were a ton of them at Mammoth.

 The two pictures above are at Undine Falls

 This is a petrified Redwood tree.  It was pretty dang cool, to think there were Redwoods in Yellowstone.

 This is a view of the from an overlook.  We also saw a black bear at this location.
 This is a picture on Tower Falls.  It was crazy there were a ton of people and none of them were looking at the falls.  It was odd.

  Right above Lower Falls.  It is a pretty steep hike down to that, especially after you went on a ton of hikes early that day.
 We were hiking on the Northern Rim trail, and we crossed this bridge and looked back and we crossed a huge waterfall.  Later we found out it was called Crystal falls.

 On the same Northern Rim trail we ran into this guy.  The picture does not do it justice for how close we actually were to it.  We literally turned a corner and then there he was.  Huge elk.  It was kind of scary and cool at the same time.

 This is the stream going right before the drop off of Crystal Falls.

 The pictures above are from Inspiration Point.  I thought it was pretty, but Rosie and I were not inspired.  You couldn't see much from there, but it was pretty.  Apparently you used to be able to go lower and you could see more, but not anymore.  

 The other half of the Norris Geyser basin.  It was a nice stroll. 
 This is a nice drive called Virginia Cascades.  This is a cool waterfall that you want to tube down.

 This is a picture from Artist Point of the Lower Falls.  It is one of my favorite spots in Yellowstone.

 Lower Falls just closer up.  This was my favorite hike of the Trip.  Below are the stairs you have to go down to get there.  It was pretty crazy hard going up.  My legs haven't burned like that in a long time.  Each picture of the stairs is one flight.  It was crazy steep and amazing.

 Taking a break from the stairs

 A nice rainbow from the mist.

  Upper Falls.  This area is just impressive.

 We tried to go on a hike around the Mud Pots closer to Yellowstone Lake, but they closed the train due to this guy.  Again he was pretty close.  What a massive animal.  

 Yellowstone Lake.  This place always has me in awe with how huge it is.  I love this lake.

 Rosie and I at the Firehole Canyon.  Just dipping our feet after a very very long hiking week.  Our feet were killing us.

 This is a picture of Lewis Falls.  This is a place I have never been.  It was also a massive lake followed by this gorgeous waterfall.

 Rosie and I decided to goto the Grand Tetons.  I have never been to that place.  It was pretty amazing.  

 We drove up to the Grand Tetons version of inspiration point.  It was awesome.  We loved it.
 Grand Teton Range.  Crazy cool looking mountains. 

 We decided to take a boat ride across Jenny Lake in the Grand Tetons, mostly because our legs and feet couldn't handle much more.  It was fun and worth it.
 If you look close this is a picture of moose we saw on our way up to inspiration point.  Which was only suppose to be 1 mile, and ended up being 2.5.  It was worth it.  As you can see from the picture below.

 Obviously people don't read signs about feeding the wildlife, because these guys were crawling all over everyone, and even got into my hand.

 On the way back from Inspiration point view. 

 The pictures above are of hidden falls.  This hike was also marked as .5 miles, but ended up being longer.  They really need to get their distances correct.  It is very misleading.

 Cool Rainstorm that we were going into on our way back from the Tetons.
 This is the Hotel we stayed in.  In case you guys were wondering.  It is the cheapest Hotel you can find around Yellowstone.

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