Sunday, May 19, 2013

Renaissance Festival

Rosie one day heard that the Renaissance Festival was coming to Ogden from a work friend, and guess what we went.  We met some of the weirdest people and met a real life mermaid and pirates, and gypsies. It was a good time here are some of the pictures that we took.
Rosie kissed a frog and didn't get the prince she was hoping for :)

One of the many people that dressed up.  We dressed in normal clothes or modern clothes as they called it, and we were the minority it was crazy.  It was worth every penny just to spectate the event.

Rosie and I at the pirate ship. 
Rosie asked the mermaid if she was a real mermaid and this lady was dead set.  She had Rosie touch her tail.  Rosie asked her if she could become a mermaid and she gave Rosie a card with a facebook link on it.  It was pretty funny. Like I said above fantastic to spectate. 
 Dragons inn sold food.
Rosie wanted to paint this ghost thing and she loved it.  

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