Monday, June 25, 2012

Uintas June 2012

This was a good friends trip to the Uintas. We had an excellent relaxing time.  It was probably the most chill camping trip I have been on for a while.  We fished and then fished some more and hiked and slept.  It doesn't get much better than that.  We had a good group with us.  The people that came were Nathan and Tori, Kyle and Randee, Jubb and Kelsie.  It was good times.
 This is a picture of Washington Lake.  It was beautiful.

The four pictures above are of us fishing way early in the morning. The wind was fierce like all of our trips together, but we ended up catching some. We each caught one and Kyle caught 2 or three that day.
 This is my sleeping arrangement.  It was my first time using my hammock and I loved it.  It was beautiful at night and comfy to lay on during the day and I think everyone else loved it as well.  

 The last three are of the crew that came.  We are just chillin having a good chat right after lunch, and most of us were about to take a nap.
 I know you are jealous of my hammock. 

 This is Randee and hammocking together. It was glorious.

 Kyle wanted to join in on the hammocking experience. 
 Most of us were just chillin in the little shade we had. Except Nathan he was out in the sun for a couple of hours whittling. He got fried to the bone. 

The two above pictures are from Crystal Lake.  It was gorgeous there.  The pictures don't do it justice.
 This was just a random pond on our hike to Long Lake. I love this picture though. In my opinion it looks like a background photo. I'm a little proud of it.

 This is Long Lake.  If it wasn't for my GPS we wouldn't have found it.  Just because I lead us astray in the first place, but good reliable Garmin got us there and it was beautiful. Well worth the hike to.

 The picture above is looking at Long Lake from the trail. That hike was just gorgeous. 

 Nathan fishing at Trial Lake.  We struck out probably because I fell into the water, and scared the fish away. I went out on the log(The two picture below) to get my lure cause it was stuck on the end of the log.  It turns out that log wasn't as sturdy as I thought. Don't worry though I got my lure back.  

This is Pond Lake. 

 Nathan and Tori next to the waterfall by Wall Lake.

Wall Lake 
Nathan in deep thought, about why the Uintas are so cool. 

Me at Wall Lake. 

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