Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just Having Fun with My Camera

Right now I am in the beginning stages of learning how to use my camera.  I hope these photos will get better and better as time goes on.  I will continue to add to this post.  They will start from the newest down to the oldest.
 I love in this picture how you can see a hint of Pine View in the back ground.  I also love how green it is. 
 Tracy laughing at me because my bike fell over.  This place was gorgeous though where we stopped.

 I cropped this picture above because I loved the water droplets on the leaves of that bush.  I thought it was a cool picture.

The eight pictures above are Tracy and I mountain biking up to Ben Lomand.  Sad to say that trail kicked our trash.  It is a very difficult trail to go on your mountain bike.  We only made 6 out of the nine mile trail, but it was still a good time.  It was raining and super slippery.  It was just a very difficult time for us.  The two pictures above is where we stopped.  If you look close at our bikes you can tell how muddy they are.  It was crazy fun though.  Tracy and I always have a good time riding.  

The two pictures from above are pictures from a hike on top of the switch backs to Lewis Peak.
 It was just a gorgeous hike. 

 This is looking at the waterfall above

 These last three are pictures of little waterfalls above the big waterfall.
 My sister michelle and my dad, going down a pretty steep part.  My dad was paying too much attention that he didn't turn around.
 There is the waterfall.  It is an awesome hike with a great view.  I just wish it was a bit longer.
The eleven pictures above are from a hike in North Fork.  It goes to a waterfall.  It's only about a half a mile long one way, but it's beautiful along the way. I went with my dad and sister.  It was good times.

 I'm actually proud of this picture I thought it turned out great and I didn't even have to edit it to make it look like that.  That is just awesome.
 This picture looked a lot prettier in real life, but I just love the mountains in the background and the blue skies.  It was just a pretty view.
 This is my dad.  This was probably his first hike in a while and he handled it like a champ.  I think he loved going on.  It was a good time.
 This is a picture looking at the North Ogden side from lookout point.  I like this picture, but i really need to figure out how to get the sky blue.  One of these days i'll figure it out.
 I like this picture I know it's not a photographer looking one, well none of mine really are but I thought this one was just cool.
The eight pictures above this are looking out from what I call look out point on skyline trail.  It is only 1.5 miles one way.  It is an incredibly pretty hike with an excellent view.  Highly suggested.  I went on this hike with my dad.  This was his first hike in a while.  He handled it really well.  It was a good time, it won't be the last hike I take him on.  He loved it you could tell.

 I know the two pictures above are dark, but I still like them.  I usually go hiking in the evening so that is why most of my pictures on here are dark or are blurry.  I still put them on because I like them.

 I don't know why, but I really love this picture.  That rock was awesome with all of the sunflowers around it. 
This was just gorgeous I thought. I love how you can see the islands in the great salt lake.
I thought this picture turned out cool.  I was just playing with some editing and I really like how this one turned out.  It's not as clear as I would like, but I still like it. 

 I love this picture. It's actually my background right now. 

 I think these water pictures turned out ok.  I really need to start bringing a tripod with me everywhere I go.  It's really hard not to get blurry pictures without a tripod, but these turned out ok I thought.

I don't know why I love this dead tree in the middle fo all these green plants everywhere. 

These pictures above are taken at KC falls.  It a water fall that Kyle and I discovered(Well we didn't discover it, but found it) right off of the North Ogden divide.  It is a very pretty, but kind of hard hike.  I like these pictures.  There will probably be more pictures added from this hike later. I just love this hike though.  Very peaceful.
 These are my friends Kyle and Randee
 This is Jubb.  His wife came with us, but all of the pictures I had with her in it turned out blurry so I guess Jubb will do for now.

I really love how this picture turned out.  I think i'm getting a little better at this nature photography thing.  I like it a lot, It still needs work though.

 I thought this picture was way cool.  One day I will actually find out how to take pictures like this instead of accidentally taking it, but i'll take what I can get right now.  I thought it was cool.

This is Korry and June.  I just thought this was an awesome picture, so I had to put it on.
 I don't know why but I really like this picture of dirt.  I thought it was cool.  Maybe one day I will try to edit it and make it look even cooler. 

 These four pictures above are pictures taken from my backyard. The last one is my dog gracie. She's the coolest dog.   

This one I thought was way cool.  So I cropped it and you can see little furry things when you blow it up. I thought it was just cool.  These last four are pictures from my hike i just went on.  It was a beautiful day to go hiking.

These are pictures of Ogden.  The ones with the mountains in them are pictures of Lewis Peak with the city. I just thought these were awesome pictures. 

These four are taken from my back yard.  I was just having fun with my camera.  It was a beautiful night. I wish I could take better ones, but i'm still proud of these.  I think they are cool.