Monday, May 28, 2012

Moab May 2012

This is Nathan and Tori on this amazing hike we went on right next to our camp 

Ya that's right.  I am so hardcore.  I jump from rock to rock :) 
 That is about how far that jump was.  Little do you know Nathan broke his wrist at slick rock earlier that day.  He still jumped that sick gap.

 These rocks just amaze me

 Nathan going into the cave of wonders.  He really didn't go in but it was pretty cool though.

 We had to climb death defying rocks in order to make it to our destinations.

This picture was from our campsite.  It was a gorgeous camp site. 

This is the balancing rock.  It is amazing.  I cannot believe that huge rock is balancing on that small of a surface. 
 These are cairns in some spots they don't have a designated trail so you have to follow these around in Arches National Park.

 Look at how huge that is.  It is incredible.
 I thought this looked like a foot.
See if you can find Lord Voldemorts head.

 This is double arche.  I was absolutely amazed about how these arches still stay up. 
 This is a cave we explored right next to double arches. This was way big and way fun to hike around in.

 There is a better picture of the double arches
This is the delicate arche.  I was way amazed on how big this actually was.  The Utah license plate does not do this justice. 
 Oh and did I mention the wind was something fierce up there.  It was hard to stand up because the wind was blowing so hard.

 This is landscape arche. I can't remember how skinny that one part is, but it is a lot skinnier then you think.  This was a huge arche.

These last couple of pictures were taken on the Devils Garden trail.  This trail was intense and way fun.  I loved it.  You could see everything.

This is the Double O arche.  It is at the very end of the Devils Garden trail. I think these are my favorite arches we saw.  It was awesome.   

 This is some sexy kid next to the Double O arches.

These last three pictures are us coming back on the Primitive Trail. That was way fun other then you were hiking through sand the last part, but it was super gorgeous.  On the Devils Garden trail you are on top of the canyon and on the Primitive Trail you are going through the canyon.  It was a fun trail.  All and all I think Arches National Park.  Has to be my second favorite national park.  It was beautiful and way fun to explore.

 These last two were taken from our campsite.
That is where we slept for four days.  It was nice and cozy down there next to the Colorado River.  It was so pretty.  Don't be jealous.

This is the chill zone.  It was such a beautiful morning on Sunday. 
I love this picture it is beautiful.  I noticed how beautiful while fishing.  So I just had to take a picture of it.  

 There's the Mamba. Only got wrecked once this trip.  This bike can handle a lot.

 There is our friendly beaver. Carrying a stick across the river.
 Look how beautiful.

 Me fishin.  I didn't catch anything, but we did see some fish jump out of the water.  I am just an awful fisherman, but I love to do it. 
 This is Dead Horse Point.  We visited this on our last day and it was such a perfect day to go.  It was way beautiful.  As you can see.

The last nine pictures are of Dead Horse Point. It is well worth going to that if you can.  We went a lot more places on this trip to Moab on our bikes, but I didn't want to damage my camera so I will just tell you where else we went and you can google the pictures.  We went to Gemini Bridges.  I do not suggest biking that it was incredibly difficult.  Now if you have a Jeep or some sort of four wheeled drive vehicle. Then totally take that. It was well worth seeing it was awesome walking across those.  Then we also went to Slick Rock Trail.  It was awesome probably the coolest trail I have ever been on with a mountain bike. At the very first of that trail I biffed it and bent my derailer, but a nice Canadian stopped and helped me fix my bike and got it running semi good so where I could finish the trail.  It was awesome.  Nathan also crashed and we think broke his wrist, but who knows he definitely hurt it pretty bad.  Over all the Moab trip was awesome.  I love that place. I will go back many more times.  It is an amazing place to explore the out doors. I had good company that were fun and didn't hold anything back which was fun.  Over all a fantastic time and you need to go visit that place if you haven't yet.